Briefly describe a situation in your care work when you have recently been involved in an activity with a child that involved either: moving and handling (such as a wheelchair) hazardous and non-hazardous equipment and materials (such as a craft session, cookery group, assisting someone with hygiene needs or administering medication).
Any setting or activity carries a level of risk. By identifying and reducing risks in advance, full use can be made of the setting or activity to maximise the value to and enjoyment by the children in your charge. In a childcare setting, we often do lots of activities that might cause hazardous or non-hazardous equipment and materials such as use of scissors, containers and other materials being used or walking to the park. A risk assessment is a tool for conducting a formal examination of the harm or hazard to people (or an organisation) that could result from a particular activity or situation.
Types if risks ; Physical risks, Security risks, Personal safety risks, emotional risks, food safety risks and fire risks.
Effective management of risks should become automatic as you become more experienced. For every activity you plan, you should think about the hazards, the likelihood of the hazard occurring and the control measures. If you see a hazard as you go about your everyday activities there is one simple rule: deal with it! This can be as simple as moving a toy left on the floor or cleaning up spilt water.
Use of Scissors
Hazard: Sharp points and blades Control measures: Very young children use round ended scissors. Make sure children know how to use scissors safely.
Containers and other materials being used
Hazard: They may have rough or sharp edges that could cause injury / The materials used may have helped food or unsafe substances ( for example cleaning fluids).
Cleaning up after the activity
Hazard: Wet surfaces and floors present a risk of slipping.
Outing to the park
Walk to