Existentialism - a philosophical theory that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will.
Pascal's most influential theological work, referred to the "Pensées" ("Thoughts") although originally entitled"Apologie de la religion Chrétienne" ("Defence of the Christian Religion"), was not completed before his death. On its first publication in 1670 (albeit expurgated for the times) it instantly became a classic, and is widely considered Pascals'masterpiece as well as a landmark in French prose. It was to have been a sustained and coherent examination and defenceof the Christian faith, although it never quite lived up to that.
Pascal's most influential theological work, referred to posthumously as the "Pensées" ("Thoughts") although originally entitled"Apologie de la religion Chrétienne" ("Defence of the Christian Religion"), was not completed before his death. On its first publication in 1670 (albeit expurgated for the times) it instantly became a classic, and is widely considered Pascals'masterpiece as well as a landmark in French prose. It was to have been a sustained and coherent examination and defenceof the Christian faith, although it never quite lived up to that.
Pascal became involved with a religious movement in France know as Jansenism after its founder Cornelis Jansen (1585-1636) in 1646 when Pascal's father had an accident and was cared for by Jansenists. After Pascal's father died in 1651, his sister became a nun at a Port Royal convent run by the Jansenists. From 1652 to 1654 Pascal turned away from religious interests spending his time with