Terri Adams-Smith
October 8, 2012
John Branner
In 2002, the United States spent $5,267 per capita on health care. Higher prices for health
services such as prescription drugs, doctor’s visits and hospital stays have been contributors to
the rising numbers (Anderson, Hussey, & Frogner, 2005). Both public and private health
expenditures are growing at rates, which outpace comparable countries (The Henry J. Kaiser
Family Foundation, 2011). This paper will explain ones position on national health care
spending in the United States.
Health care expenditures
Health expenditures in The United States inched toward $2.6 trillion in 2010. This is up 10
times $256 billion spent in the United States since 1980. Recent growth has slowed
relatively to the late 1990s and early 2000s it is expected to grow at a rate faster than the
national income in the near future (The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, n.d).
In the past decade United States has been facing a recession that has resulted in higher
unemployment and lower income levels for many Americans. The United States present position
has drawn attention to the health spending and affordability (The Henry J. Kaiser Family
Foundation, n.d).
Over the past 10 years employer-sponsored health coverage has increased by 97%, putting a
burden employers and workers. Medicare provides coverage to the elderly and people with
disabilities and Medicaid provides coverage to lower income families. Medicare enrollment has
increased because of the aging of Baby Boomers although the enrollment for Medicaid has
increased because to the recession. These increases have had an effect on the government
spending increasing considerably, placing a strain on the federal and state budgets. The Health
care expenditures account for 17.9% and of the United States national Gross
References: American College of Physicians, (2011). Health Care Coverage, Capacity and Cost: What Does the Future Hold? Retrieved from A Report from America’s Internists on the State of America’s HealthCare http://www.acponline.org/advocacy/events/state_of_healthcare/snhcbrief2011.pdf Anderson, G.F., Hussey, P.S., & Frogner, B.K., (2005) Linker, A. (2009). How much is too much spending on health care? Retrieved from the Progressive Pulse http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/2009/05/18/how-much-is-too-much-to-spend-on-health-care/ The Henry J The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, (n.d). U.S. Health Care Costs, Background. Retrieved from http://www.kaiseredu.org/Issue-Modules/US-Health-Care-Costs/Background-Brief.aspx Wollf, J.D., (2012)