What if I were to tell you the pain from a cut would be gone in minutes and the healing process accelerated?
Would you believe me if I told you this balm has only two ingredients?
Let me introduce you to Oil of Oregano. This is an amazing medicine. An all natural amazing medicine. An all natural amazing medicine with a very short list of possible side effects. (WebMd)
It can be found in natural food stores and online. When checking the labels look for the percentage of carvacrol. Go for the highest percentage. Carvacrol is a compound that fights against bacterial infections. This is just one of many beneficial compounds that make oregano oil effective at fighting off fungus, parasites, bacterial infections and much more.
A word of warning though. This can be taken orally but through personal experience I suggest putting it into a …show more content…
Use it as you would any over-the-counter healing ointment. Keep it away from sensitive areas, like eyes, and test the oil on a small area of your body to make sure you’re not allergic. First dilute it with a carrier oil - such as olive, coconut, avocado, or almond - as its strength can cause burning sensations. I store the balm in a covered glass jar and keep it in the refrigerator.
20 drops of oil of oregano
1/8th cup coconut oil
Using a microwave safe coffee mug, melt the coconut oil. Just heat long enough to bring it to a liquid form. Coconut oil becomes liquid at 76 degrees fahrenheit, so it doesn’t take much time. The oil doesn’t need to come to a boil. I usually heat a metal measuring scoop under hot water and use it to scoop out the hardened oil. It seems to do the trick. Add between 15-20 drops of oregano oil, depending on your sensitivity. Stir it well and let it cool before putting the lid on the jar.
Use in healthy