Unit 4
Health and Safety at work act 1974
This purpose of this act is to regulate the health, safety and welfare of individuals in the workplace. The act is enforced by the health and safety executive and local regulatory bodies. At Custom Care we have many policies and procedures that fall under the umbrella of Health and Safety these included-
Company Health and safety Policy
Accidents and incidents
Chemicals (COSHH)
Company Premises
Display Screen COP (DSE)
Policy on Eye Tests for DSE users
Food Hygiene
Health and Surveillance Monitoring
Infection control Policy
Lone Working
Moving and Handling
Pregnant Workers
Service Users Homes (Inc Risk Assessment)
Smoking, Alcohol & Drugs
As the registered manager my responsibility is to ensure the health and safety of the service users we work with and employees who work for my company. It is essential that employees are also aware of the role they have in ensuring the health and safety of themselves and the service users and that I can evidence that they have received the relevant information and training. I do this by ensuring that the training is kept up to date, changes to procedures of policies are cascaded to employees and that I am confident that they have understood the implication this has on their role.
Management of Health and Safety at work regulations 1999
This require employers to carry out risk assessments, make arrangements to implement necessary measures, appoint competent people and arrange for appropriate information and training. In my work place this relates to policies such as lone working, fire safety, training and supervision, manual handling etc. For example in my role I must ensure risk assessments are undertaking for each service user in line with the manual handling procedures. This enables me to identify the risks of moving that individual, how the risk can be minimised and the safe use of equipment to