2.4 – Explain how health and safety risk assessments are monitored and reviewed;
Health and safety and risk assessments are a major part of the primary school. A major risk assessment is carried out at the start of each new school year to make sure all risks are being covered and new ones identified so they can be closely monitored through out the whole school year.
The health and safety policy is also reviewed at the start of the school year, checking all school equipment (computers, doors, gates, classrooms, kitchens) to make sure it is all safe for the pupils and staff to use, and if any problem is identified it is addressed and fixed accordingly. All staff are aware of health and safety and are constantly assessing the area that they are working in or the activity they are carrying out. All staff work alongside the EYFS framework which considers all aspects of children’s welfare including safeguarding, suitable persons, suitable premises and equipment.
One of the major health and safety polices which is addressed and very closely reviewed is the allergies of all current and new pupils. Each classroom is given a pupil list with pictures and allergies of all the pupils in the school and all staff and pupils are reminded of who they are and what foods to bring into the school or give to the children.
The risk/health and safety assessment is reviewed during the school year if a new piece of equipment is brought into the school in or a new pupil arrives. Other issues may need an action plan which sets out what needs to be actioned, how long this may take and by whom it should be carried out. The action plans are then reviewed within a manageable time frame to ensure the action has been completed. Some hazards can be dealt with straight away as they arise such as removing a trip hazard or cleaning up a spillage.
A risk assessment is only valid at the time it is carried out.
3.1 – Explain