Assessment Criteria- Unit 142 Develop health and safety risk management policies, procedures and practices in health and social care or children and young people’s settings.
Outcome 1 – 1.1/1.2
Legislation is a law that has been passed by a legislative body such as parliament. The legislation framework is one that is used by all professionals when working with or alongside children and families.
All settings must have policies and procedures in place. A policy complies with the law and can be seen as a set of rules. Our policies mainly focus on the Children’s Act 2004, Every Child Matters 2004 and the Education Act 2002. In our setting we follow the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) and comply with the following:
Health and Safety …show more content…
at Work Act 1974
Food Safety Act 1990 and Hygiene Regulations 1992
Health and Safety first aid regulations 1981
Manual Handling Operations regulations 1992
COSHH 2002
Equality Act 2010
Data Protection Act 1998
Policies and Acts need to be very detailed and clear on what it is that the aim and goals are.
“The Every Child Matters agenda is about children and their families (Knowles, G, 2009). The Every Child Matters Framework is followed by all professionals involved with children. As Knowles, G (2009) explains, the main focus of the Every Child Matters Framework is working with both children and families. Knowles, G (2009) goes on further to confer the five outcomes which are:
1. Be safe
2. Be healthy
3. Enjoy and achieve
4. Make a positive contribution
5. Achieve and well being
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The five outcomes are the aims of all professionals involved in children’s lives, Cheminais, R (2009) carries on to debate that without the Every Child Matters Framework, there would not be much that services have in common, however with the Every Child Matters Framework in place, all professionals are working towards the same aims and goals.
Griffin, S, (2008) discusses the influence that Every Child Matters has in the Early Years Foundation Stage document, also known as the EYFS. Griffin, S, (2008) continues to look at how the two documents work together to ensure the best quality care is provided to all children. The aims within the EYFS document reflects the Every Child Matters, this is to ensure that everyone who works with a child works in the same way. The EYFS is followed by all professionals now working in the Early Years.
When Acts and Papers are amended, then policies in the work place are also updated with regards to the new legislations. All professionals that are linked with children are made aware of the new changes and are ensured that they are adhered to. All settings work with a multi-agency approach, staff are appointed roles that help with the continuous care of children e.g. SENCO. This ensures that the best care is given to all children involving other …show more content…
The policies, procedures and practices in my setting meet all Health, Safety and Risk Management.
The setting, in which I am Manager of, is registered with Ofsted. All staff are required by contract to have a DBS check, child protection, first aid and food hygiene training and they are also expected to attend any other additional training offered to them. All staff have to have a good knowledge of what policies and procedures are used in the setting and are informed, by myself, when any changes are made to these. The setting ensures staff, children and visitors are kept safe by monitoring risks daily using risk assessments, opening and closing checks. It is important to regularly ensure that fire drills are done so that staff and children know what to expect in the event of a fire and where to go
Policies and Procedures and any relevant reading are placed where staff have easy access to them and that they are always available. During initial staff induction they are given copies of the important policies and procedures e.g.
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Safeguarding, Health and Safety, Data Protection. They are asked to read and sign that they have read and understood the. Policies and Procedures are also readily available for parents and visitors, and parents are also given important ones during their child’s registration. The setting uses these policies and procedures to promote good practice, keep children safe and healthy and promote human rights.
I ensure opening and closing checks are undertaken daily, this is to ensure that any potential hazards are identified immediately so they can be acted upon to ensure the safety of the children, staff and visitors. All findings are reported to the Health and Safety Officer or the Manager. Monthly evaluations are also done to ensure that if there had been more than two accidents or incidents, the reason why and what can be done to prevent them from happening again. Risk Assessments are completed thoroughly and these, even though should be reviewed annually, are an on-going working document so are reviewed as and when needed to be e.g., if there had been a ‘near miss’ or if new equipment has been purchased. All ‘near misses’ are actioned straight away to prevent an accident or incident that could potentially happen. If I have an illness outbreak (3 or more children), then I have to inform the environmental health agency who will give me an action plan. Then I have to inform Ofsted of the outbreak and they will ask me if I have completed the actions given. Informing Ofsted is a legal requirement.
It is important that staff know how to assess and report any hazards, who to go to so that they can be actioned. Staff are aware that risk assessments are an ongoing process, and that they must remain vigilant and report any potential hazards. All staff should take ownership for, not just their own safety, but also ensuring that their actions, or lack of action, does not cause harm or danger to others.
Policies and Acts are influenced not only by pressure groups, such as professional organisations, media and charities, but also by the government that is in power at the time and their beliefs and views. All Acts and policies link together to provide the best care is given
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Cheminais ,R, 2009, Effective Multi Agency Partnership Putting Every Child into Practice, SAGE Publications
Griffen, S, 2008, Inclusion, Equality and Diversity in working with children, Heinemann
Knowles, G, 2009, Ensuring Every Child Matters, SAGE Publications
Ofsted, Ofsted Safeguarding Policy and Procedure, 2010, Crown Copyright, Manchester