The major points concerning the challenges to using a business case for addressing health disparities begins with the challenge of quantifying both the business case and the social case for addressing disparities. Sound business and quality improvement principles can guide health care organizations seeking to reduce disparities. Interventions may help focus resources and engage health care and community partners who can share in the costs of, and the gains from such efforts.…
All Americans regardless of their economic standing in the community deserve access to essential and quality preventative, and primary healthcare. Those Americans who currently fall under the “publicly insured” category (Medicaid), and the medically uninsured, are at similar risk for delayed or non-existent required medical care. Establishing a free, 24 hour accessible Shelby County Primary Care Clinic would eliminate patient medical care delay, and result in large scale overall savings in projected annual medical care costs. (So You Want to Start a Health Center?, 2011)…
Summary of Health disparities, is about gaps quality of health and health care across racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. The Health Resources and Services Administration defines health disparities as "population-specific differences in the presence of disease, health outcomes, or access to health care. According to research United States, health disparities are well documented in minority populations such as African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinos. When compared to whites, these minority groups have higher incidence of chronic diseases, higher mortality, and poorer health outcomes. Among the disease-specific examples of racial and ethnic disparities in the United States is the cancer incidence rate among…
“If ‘Obama Care’ becomes fully implemented in 2014, it’s going to bankrupt states” (“Lindsay Graham”) This is a quote discussing how Obama Care is the absolute downfall of the United States. Obama Care causes free health care for those who can’t work or those who choose not to work, causing middle class people to pay triple the amount for health insurance which won’t cover anything for them if they make over a certain amount, so they can pay for all of those people who don’t work. It has bankrupt a lot of businesses causing them to shut down losing thousands of jobs. Obama care should have never been implemented due to the fact it caused some small businesses to be obsolete, it forced middle class people to pay more for their health…
Quality of Treatment. [Include a period at the end of a run-in heading. Note that you can include consecutive paragraphs with their own headings, where appropriate.]…
Question 1): How do past and present experiences influence gene expression susceptibility to health disparities? Give an example.…
How far exactly did we come in attempting to achieve health equality and equity? Measures to reduce health disparities focuses on several key themes: (1) How persistent health disparities are (2) The economic condition (3) Race and discrimination (4) Geographic location (5) Raising awareness on the issue of health disparities (6) Shaping or integrating better health policies (7) The function of a community in developing plans to tackle health disparities (8) The promising Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Certainly, there are many other topics encased in health disparities that need to be addressed other than the aforementioned. However, these challenges often include measuring issues (i.e. the level of cultural competency) that are difficult to get an exact estimation for. That is, it is an on-going trial-and-error method until there are positive results.…
According to (Kilbourne, Switzer & Fine, (2006), Health disparities are significant differences that are needed and viewed clinically and statistically in health care and health outcomes. These differences between groups of people can affect how often an illness(disease) have group affects, the number of people who have gotten sick and how many times do this particular disease or problem ends up with death occurring. There are a number of populations that can be…
Over the past decade a rapidly expanding body of literature has demonstrated the existence of healthcare disparities. While consensus has not emerged regarding the causes of disparities, they are generally thought to be related to provider, patient, and healthcare system factors. On the one hand, the current US healthcare system is oriented toward individualized acute care. Yet healthcare disparities by definition are a population level phenomenon. Individuals do not have disparities, groups and populations do.…
The best way for the medical profession to overcome disparities in healthcare is to enhance treatment outcomes by improving equality of care. As a child, I relied on government funded healthcare programs for medical treatment. Currently, I am insured through my employer’s health insurance policy and am able to enjoy the luxuries of having private insurance. Experiencing treatment from both channels I realized a gap in the quality of care. The medical profession can fill this gap by focusing on teaching compassion and equality in the classroom. Muhammad Ali once said, “It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief and once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” If medical programs continue to emphasize the…
Health disparities from no access to healthcare lopsidedly influence a developing fragment of a population. Clear differences exist in rates of medical coverage scope. The outcomes of being uninsured are vital and contain utilization of lesser preventive administrations, poorer well-being result, an expansion of death and incapacity rates, bring down yearly wages due to illness and disease, and the exceedingly created phase of sicknesses. Therefore, the uninsured gathering shelter being slightly poor, youthful, and from racial and additionally ethnic minority. Disparities in health and health care does not only affect the groups facing disparities, but also limit overall improvements in quality of care and health for the broader population…
The medical profession can respond to healthcare disparities in several ways. In my opinion, their strongest methods in doing so are through education, volunteering, fundraisers, and community cohesion efforts. One has to remember that healthcare disparities are the end result, not the problem itself, and in order to prevent this outcome, the real issues must first be addressed.…
World Health Organization definition of disparities: “differences in health which are not only unnecessary and avoidable but, in addition, are considered unfair and unjust.” The relationship between unequal access to services and unequal health outcomes is often quite stark to health disparities. Discrimination and racism are relevant components that contribute to the inequalities that generate health disparities.…
Health disparities has always been the nation’s major issue. One of the main factors that lead to this issue is the high cost of care. Many U.S. citizen are uninsured because they can’t afford to buy insurance. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was enacted to address this issue. Its goals to lower the uninsured rate by expanding both public and private insurance coverage, and at the same time reducing the costs of health insurance and increase the quality of care.…
Perhaps the United States is the only industrialized nation in the world without the universal healthcare system for its citizens. A large number of the U.S. population does not have healthcare coverage, and it is more obvious among the population of color, minorities, low socioeconomic statuses, and cultures. Studies show Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and people with low income are likely to be uninsured. They not only lack the healthcare coverage, but also do not get the quality of care and experience worse health outcomes. Disparities in health and healthcare are persistent problem in the U.S. As a prospective student pharmacist and future healthcare professional, it is a significant issue to me.…