On this first question, I will answer YES that all world citizen should have access to basic health care free at no cost without limit.
2. Why?
The reason is this, if the laws and the constitutions that guides each country agrees to the RIGHT TO LIVE, why will it be a problem to sustain the same life that the world universal laws protects ? In our readings from the literature: Justice and Access to Health Care, 2013, Moral Dilemmas, 2014, Normative Ethics, 2, iep, Universal access to health care. There are so many ethics that was against and or supported this …show more content…
2013). . By this, we will be preventing having a sick world full of bias, racism and we intuitively knew that sick citizens will lead to bad economy for any country. This shows how we owe each other to do well and make the world a better place to live.
4. Explain why your answer demonstrates this ethical view, or views, if you used more than one.
I agreed with this these words: Accountability for reasonableness (Rawls 1971) shows the in-depth of how we need to work together and making those in charge of the distribution of the health care services accountable to the patients and their work place with ethics that are not bias and to make health care more accessible to all the human race anywhere on the planet earth, this is in agreement with the opportunity-based view I recommended above as the perfect ethical view for the health care sector.
Stanford.(February 11, 2013).Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Justice and Access to Health Care.4. What Kinds of Health Care Do We Owe Each Other?. Retrieved from