PUBH 805: Health Policy & Management
St. George’s University
Shinelle Whiteman
October 24th, 2016
All health-care systems should aspire to provide quality care to their patients. As a result of this, adjustments must be made to create an institution of optimal functioning and hence this necessitates the use of tools to measure performance and quality. This paper would seek to discuss the methods used to measure performance and quality in the healthcare and address how tools such SWOT analysis and Six Sigma can help one evaluate how well one’s organization is in accomplishing its goals.
Performance measure is defined as a regular compilation of records to evaluate whether the correct processes are being performed and desired results are being attained, (Performance Management & Measurement, 2016). It allows for an analysis of where …show more content…
("World Health Organization", 2016)
Another tool used in healthcare is referred to as the Six Sigma quality improvement model. This model has helped health care professionals to create statistic-driven solutions for waste and defects in care delivery, ("Applying Six Sigma to Patient Care", 2016).
The Six Sigma model requires five Steps for quality improvement: Defining who the patients are and desired goals. Measuring, what improvement would look like and what data will our efforts be measured by. Analyzing, this requires the collecting of data and the examining of established tools. Improvement involves the implementation of modifications to improve the process and control which involves monitoring performance to maintaining improvement, ("Applying Six Sigma to Patient Care",