References: Bodenheimer, T.S., & Grumback, K. (2002). Understanding health policy: A clinical approach. New York: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill. Compilation of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, May 2010. Summary of the new health reform law. Retrieved July 16, 2011, from CQ Health Beat News 2005. Ellis, J.R. & Hartley, C.L. (1988). Nurses, Power and Politics. Georgia Nursing. Nov 2002-Jan2003. Retrieved from Franko, Frederick P. No Time for Silence: Political Advocacy. AORN Journal/June, 2001. Retrieved from Gale, Arthur H Garrett, L. (2000). Betrayal of trust: The collapse of global public health. New York: Hyperion. Institute of Medicine (IOM). (2002, March 20). Unequal treatment: Confronting racial and ethnic disparities in care. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Retrieved abstract April 11, 2005, from Millenson, M.J. (1998). Managed care makes a name for itself in the years following the federal 1973 HMO act. Healthplan. 39(4), 62-68. Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. (2003, July 24). Religion in politics: Contention and consensus. Retrieved March 23, 2005, from politics.pdf. Quadagno, J. (2004). Why the United States has no national health insurance: Stakeholder mobilization against the welfare state, 1946-1996. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 45 (Extra issue): 25- 44. Reid, T.R. (2009). The Healing of America. New York, NY: The Penguin Press. Reinhardt, U.E., Hussey, P.S. & Anderson, G.F. (2004). U.S. health Care Spending in an International Context, Health Affairs, 23(2), 10-25. Reinhardt, U. (2003, August 27)). Is there hope for the uninsured? Health Affairs. Retrieved from Star, P. (1982). Social transformation of American medicine. New York: Basic Books. Strom, S. (2003, November 16). For Middle class, health insurance becomes a luxury. New York Times. Retrieved from The World Health Report, (2008). Primary Health Care-Now More Than Ever. 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. Williams, K. (2004). Ethics column. Ethics and collective bargaining: Calls to action. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Retrieved from Williams and Torrens, P.R. (2002). Introduction to health services. (6th ed.) Albany, NY: Delmar. Woolhandler, S., Campbell, T
References: Bodenheimer, T.S., & Grumback, K. (2002). Understanding health policy: A clinical approach. New York: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill. Compilation of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, May 2010. Summary of the new health reform law. Retrieved July 16, 2011, from CQ Health Beat News 2005. Ellis, J.R. & Hartley, C.L. (1988). Nurses, Power and Politics. Georgia Nursing. Nov 2002-Jan2003. Retrieved from Franko, Frederick P. No Time for Silence: Political Advocacy. AORN Journal/June, 2001. Retrieved from Gale, Arthur H Garrett, L. (2000). Betrayal of trust: The collapse of global public health. New York: Hyperion. Institute of Medicine (IOM). (2002, March 20). Unequal treatment: Confronting racial and ethnic disparities in care. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Retrieved abstract April 11, 2005, from Millenson, M.J. (1998). Managed care makes a name for itself in the years following the federal 1973 HMO act. Healthplan. 39(4), 62-68. Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. (2003, July 24). Religion in politics: Contention and consensus. Retrieved March 23, 2005, from politics.pdf. Quadagno, J. (2004). Why the United States has no national health insurance: Stakeholder mobilization against the welfare state, 1946-1996. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 45 (Extra issue): 25- 44. Reid, T.R. (2009). The Healing of America. New York, NY: The Penguin Press. Reinhardt, U.E., Hussey, P.S. & Anderson, G.F. (2004). U.S. health Care Spending in an International Context, Health Affairs, 23(2), 10-25. Reinhardt, U. (2003, August 27)). Is there hope for the uninsured? Health Affairs. Retrieved from Star, P. (1982). Social transformation of American medicine. New York: Basic Books. Strom, S. (2003, November 16). For Middle class, health insurance becomes a luxury. New York Times. Retrieved from The World Health Report, (2008). Primary Health Care-Now More Than Ever. 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. Williams, K. (2004). Ethics column. Ethics and collective bargaining: Calls to action. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Retrieved from Williams and Torrens, P.R. (2002). Introduction to health services. (6th ed.) Albany, NY: Delmar. Woolhandler, S., Campbell, T