With today’s social, cultural, political and economic shifts, public health has become a huge topic of concern. More and more communities are depending on public health organizations for information, education and assistance in maintaining a healthy society. In The Untilled Fields of Public Health, Charles-Edward Amory Winslow defines public health as “the science and art of preventing diseases, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals.” Public health is a non exclusive entity. In public health, the “community” in which an issue is concerned with includes all people affected by a specific concern, illness, affliction, policy or law. Public health considers the community, not an individual, as the patient in which a proactive stance is taken, rather than a reactive one. Public health uses demographics and statistics to predict health issues and acts in accordance with those predictions to try and prevent illness or disease that a community might be at a high risk for. Public health accomplishes this by promoting awareness through providing education and information, as well as providing services that might be needed for the prevention of said illness or disease. The demographics of public health, as a whole, are non existent. Public health is an all inclusive organization. They do not exclude any one culture, race, income grade, region or country. Public health, as a whole, is concerned with the health of the population of the entire world. Every community, no matter how big or small, or how rich or poor, or where it’s located has its own public health concerns. That is the basis of public health as a whole. However, demographics can be applied to smaller groups or communities on a case by case basis. For instance, a few years ago when the Swine Flu was spreading across the world
References: Winslow,C.-E. A. “The Untilled Fields of Public Health,” Science, n.s. 51 (1920), p. 23