Public health wants to ensure service users the protection from illness, improvement of health services, promote health and wellbeing of the population rather than just individual health. In its simplest form public health is a concept that protects service users from illness and attempts to maintain standards of health. …show more content…
Governments, organisations, communities and households need to work as part of a team to ensure each individuals health is a priority and maintain a high quality standard of health. Public health wants to ensure people stay healthy and protect themselves from threats to their health. Public health covers a wide area of work it aims to protect the public from disease and reduce health inequalities, to ensure improvements are made to the health of communities, encourage and support individuals to make healthier choices no matter their circumstances. This is for the health and wellbeing of the population, to minimise the risk and impact of illness. The objectives of public health would include, ensuring the public is protected against disease, public health is "The science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organised efforts of society". (DH, 2003, Accessed 01/03/15)
Surveillance is key public health function ensuring information that is correct and accurate is available where it is needed at the right time to notify public health decisions choices and actions. Surveillance will be used to notify health protection, improvement and the delivery of services. There are three different forms of surveillance used, passive, active and Sentinel. Passive surveillance is where the role of the agency has the responsibility for it, health and social care organisations pass on reports and data to agencies, this would be secondary information, for example hospital and billing data, vital statistics such as statistics of the number of births and deaths. Whereas active surveillance means those responsible have a more active and important role in data collecting, staff employed to collect the data from the source, this would be primary information, for example health surveys, the census. Sentinel surveillance is both passive and active together where only selected clinicians can gather this data and pass it onto those responsible for the surveillance for example looking out for particular diseases that spark an interest.
Today’s public health surrounds itself the importance of the urgency to stop smoking and encourage this, for example through campaigns of non-smoking days.
“Local charities such as the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Northern Ireland and Cancer Focus Northern Ireland work in partnership with the Public Health Agency (PHA)” . (HSC, Public Health Agency, 2015, accessed 01/03/15) Different agencies have their own roles and responsibilities which identify and recognise the levels of health and disease within communities, agencies such as The World Health Organisation, The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, The European Centre of Disease Prevention and Control, The Public Health Agency Northern Ireland, Health and Social Care Northern Ireland, Cancer Focus Northern Ireland and MRSA Action. Each of these agencies play their own specific role to protect services and their public
The World Health Organisation is a specialised agency who are concerned for the public health within the united nation for example matters on global health matters. The WHO aims to prevent disease and illness, promote and improve health and aim to prolong lives within the population. This agency wants to provide healthy conditions for not only individuals but populations. The WHO ensures to set norms and standards for health, to provide support to communities, to assess and monitor communities’ health and populations who are at risks and dangers to recognise health problems and priorities, to identify evidence which is based on health policies, and to carry out disease surveillance and notify other member states. “Public health professionals want to provide a diagnosis and to be able to monitor health concerns of communities while ensuring populations remain healthy for example public health campaigns such as vaccination and control of infectious diseases” (WHO, 2015, accessed 02/03/15) to ensure the health and wellbeing of individuals. The World Health Organisation plays a key role in controlling disease throughout the world.
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) which is an independent organisation, this organisation has the decision to make which drugs and treatments are available within the NHS for example ensuring every individual has equal access to treatment and care of a high quality. NICE wants to ensure guidance, quality standards being set and improve individual’s health while preventing and treating poor health. NICE wants to ensure the promotion of healthy living, this agency aims to “help and support service providers in the ability to deliver a high quality care and to ensure individuals are reviving effective treatments based of the latest public health issues.” (NHS Choices, 2013, accessed 02/03/15) Public health recommendations produced by NICE to improve individual’s health and wellbeing and to prevent disease for example smoking tobacco harm reduction approaches. NICE provides resources and products for NHS, service providers, local authorities. Charities and any other individuals who have the responsibilities of providing health and social care.
The European Centre of Disease Prevention and Control is an independent body who aims to strength and improve Europe’s defence against what infectious diseases pose. This agency aims to identify, assess and effectively communicate threats to individual’s health by infectious diseases. This agency works in partnership with health protection agencies to improve and develop disease surveillance and warning systems, this enables different levels of expertise and knowledge to improve health and disease in communities. “The Public Health Agency Northern Ireland aims to promote health promotion and the health and social wellbeing of individuals and to reduce health inequalities within health and social care.” (HSC, Public Health Agency, 2011, accessed 04/03/15) The Public Health Agency Northern Ireland has four main functions such as to improve the overall health and social wellbeing of individuals, to provide protection over their health, support and help to commissioning and policy development and to improve health and social care research and development.
Health and Social Care Northern Ireland (HSC) ensures there are a different range of services available that deliver a high quality care and treatment and safe positive outcomes for service users. Cancer Focus Northern Ireland has a mission to save lives but also enhance the lives of those individuals who can’t be cured. Cancer focus Northern Ireland aims to do this through research into the actual causes of cancer, the prevention, and the treatment through scientific research cancer can one day be made curable. For example “research from the University of Ulster since 2000 has enabled cancer focus to understand public awareness and the attitudes towards cancer. As a result this has helped the prevention of cancer.” (Cancer Focus Northern Ireland, Research, 2015, accessed 04/03/15) Educating individuals on the importance of leading a healthy life and the risks of cancer for example through the cancer focus Northern Ireland encourages the “Schools Health Education Package (SHEP) which ensures children try to make healthy choices and decisions from an early age.” (Cancer Focus Northern Ireland, (SHEP), 2015, accessed 05/02/15) MRSA Action UK founded by service users, such as groups of individuals who have all had life changing experiences or the loss of a loved one through having MRSA. Their mission is to raise the public awareness of the dangers that MRSA pose and associated infections. This service works alongside in a multidisciplinary team with other agencies for the health and wellbeing of service users. MRSA Action UK to relieve the stress and suffering they are going through.
In conclusion these agencies are of a huge importance within health and social care and to public health, they provide support and guidance for individual’s health and wellbeing. These agencies highlight the importance of community participation and have introduced the goal of empowerment for their service users. These agencies work in partnership to ensure the highest quality care is provider and health outcomes are positive.