Axia College Material
Appendix A: U.S Health Care Timeline
Use the following timeline or create a timeline of your own with eight major events, including the four provided below, from the last 50 years. You may change the dates in the box to match the dates of your events. Include the following in your timeline:
Medicare and Medicaid
HIPPA of 1996
State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
Prospective Payment System (PPS) 1973 | July 30, 1965-Medicare and Medicaid was established President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Social Security Act and the (SSA) and (SRS) joined together to present Medicare and Medicaid. August 21, 1996 HIPPA was signed into law. HIPPA is used to protect …show more content…
Johnson signed the Social Security Act and the (SSA) and (SRS) joined together to present Medicare and Medicaid. August 21, 1996 HIPPA was signed into law. HIPPA is used to protect employees insurance when they have lost or changed jobs. And HIPPA is used to protect the privacy and security of patients.August 5, 1997 State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). (SCHIP) is part of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. And President Obama resigned to expand the act on February 4, 2009.October 1, 1983 Prospective Payment System this system was designed to change hospital behavior through financial incentives for cost efficient management of medical care.February 5, 1993 President Clinton signs the Family Medical Leave Act. This requires companies to provide workers with up to three months of unpaid leave for family and medical emergencies.January 23, 1993 National Health Care Reform. First Lady Hillary Clinton headed the Task Force on (NHCR). The president hopes to reform the Nation’s health care system so that all Americans have health insurance.September 23, 1993 President Clinton unveils a plan for a universal health care that would fix what he called a “badly broken” system. With Clintons plan it would allow all Americans to have high quality health care and would be able to choose their physicians.August 21, 1996 President Clinton signs a health care reform bill that he expects to expand coverage for many Americans. The measure specifically allows workers who change or lose their jobs to keep their health insurance coverage.