Title I of the HIPAA act refers to mostly the group health plans and the restrictions they can place upon the policy holder. In layman’s terms, HIPAA makes sure through Title I, that a third party cannot deny you coverage due to the loss or change in employment. On top of the basic clause, a group plan cannot deny coverage based on your health status, which includes medical history, genetic information, or disabilities. Title I also enables the policy holder to lessen the exclusion period by the amount of time of creditable coverage, which refers to nearly all group plans, individual plans, Medicare, and Medicaid, before enrollment of the new plan and after any significant breaks, defined as 63 days without
Title I of the HIPAA act refers to mostly the group health plans and the restrictions they can place upon the policy holder. In layman’s terms, HIPAA makes sure through Title I, that a third party cannot deny you coverage due to the loss or change in employment. On top of the basic clause, a group plan cannot deny coverage based on your health status, which includes medical history, genetic information, or disabilities. Title I also enables the policy holder to lessen the exclusion period by the amount of time of creditable coverage, which refers to nearly all group plans, individual plans, Medicare, and Medicaid, before enrollment of the new plan and after any significant breaks, defined as 63 days without