Payment As a Barrier to Seeking Addiction Treatment
In 2013, the Centers for Disease Control reported that Kentucky was the third highest ranked state in the Nation for fatalities related to drug overdose. The numbers came back that 23.6 of every 100,000 people were casualties that particular year. A reasonable person would have to think that the financial costs related to treatment might be causing addicts to avoid getting treatment, eventually leading to some of them becoming part of the tragic picture painted above. It begs the question, "Does Health Insurance Cover Rehab?" …show more content…
The short answer to the question "does health insurance cover rehab?" is yes, in most cases, it does. Much of the credit for this goes to the Affordable Care of Act of 2009, which dictates that all insurance companies are required by law to treat addiction issues as they would any other kind of medical condition. It should be noted that the amount of treatment costs covered by insurance is dependent on the insured's actual policy guidelines. All of this should be considered good news because it helps to make treatment of opiate addiction