Focus Group of Forest Park Howard Mohr Community Center
After-School Program
Forest Park, IL
By Susan Reighard
Population Health
Loyola University New Orleans Online
Course Instructor: Dr. Angelique White-Williams
May 2010
Health Promotion/Community Health Project and Paper: Focus Group of Forest Park Howard Mohr Community Center After-School Program, Forest Park, IL The purpose of this paper is to summarize and detail the observations, interventions, and activities performed at the After-School Program held daily at the Howard Mohr Community Center in Forest Park, IL. The activities listed were instituted in order to promote health and prevent disease to the aggregate group of school-aged children from Kindergarten through 5th grade who attend the after-school program. This paper includes a profile of the community of Forest Park, the strengths and challenges of the community, a list of nursing diagnoses to address health problems identified in the aggregate group, detailed plans to address the identified health problems, how the plan and interventions will benefit the aggregate group, and an evaluation of the formal lesson plan presented to the group.
A Profile of the Forest Park, IL Community The community or village of Forest Park, Illinois is over 100 years old. Forest Park is home to multiple cemeteries and was known as “The City of Cemeteries”. At one time, Forest Park boasted to having more dead residents than live ones. The estimated ratio of dead residents to live residents is 30:1, (Wikipedia, 2010). According to, the population in July 2008 was 15,224 residents. The median age of the residents is 35.7 years old. The median household income is $52,420/year. The estimated per capita income was $33,015/year. The estimated state per capita income is $38,409/year, (US Census Bureau, 2009). The racial mix of Forest Park is 52.1% White, 31.2% Black, 7.8%
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