Aim :To empower first time mothers who choose to breastfeed, to initiate and sustain breastfeeding exclusively for at least 3 months.
This aim is appropriate to the identified health need of empowering the first time mothers by offering them active breastfeeding support, because, by helping the mothers to acquire skills the practitioners are using their own power(power-over) to help the first time mothers gain power (power-from- within).( Laverack 2009) Health promotion is enabling people to gain control over their lives. ( World Health Organisation 1986, in and Naidoo and Wills 2009).
This aim is appropriate for the first time mothers who choose to breastfeed because it has been established that first time mothers know the benefits of breast milk and indeed they would want to breast feed their babies but what they lack is the skills and confidence to initiate and sustain it. (Hong et al, 2003; Henderson and Redshaw,2010;Graffyand Taylor2005).
1) To set up a breastfeeding practical skills class for mothers who choose to breast feed in Wolverhampton borough to run for 6 months.
2)To increase public places where breast feeding is encouraged/supported in Wolverhampton by 50%
3)To facilitate a more positive attitude towards public breast feeding in Wolverhampton by the end of the year
The first objective, the setting up of breastfeeding ,practical skills class is an educational, (behavioural or skill) objective because, according to the Jarkata conference statement, World Health Organisation(1997), in Laverack 2009, access to education and information is essential to achieving effective participation and the empowerment of people and community. The first time mothers identified practical help and active support as a need in order to successfully initiate and sustain beast feeding(Henderson and Redshaw, 2010). Therefore this objective has an enabling effect towards empowering the first time mothers who choose