Dimensions of health
Relates to the efficient functioning of the body and it’s systems.
Eg. 1- Being free from illness and disease 2- Being within the healthy weight range. 3- Drag a healthy amount of physical activity
Being able to interact with others ad participate in the community, in both independent and cooperative ways.
Eg. – Develop and maintain social interactions and relationships – Communicate positively and efficiently with other. – Behave in socially appropriate ways.
A state of wellbeing in which individuals realise their own ability to care with the normal senses of life, can work productively and are able to make a contribution to their community. …show more content…
1 DALY = 1 year of healthy life lost due to disease or disability.
Formula : YLL (Years of life lost) +YLD (Years of life living with disability/ disease)
Life expectancy
An indication of how long a person can expect to live if death rates do not change.
-Refers to the number of years lived without reduced functioning due to ill health and is therefore an indicator of quality of life.
OR - The measure of burden of disease based on life expectancy at birth, but including an adjustment for time spent in poor health.
OR - It is the number of years in full health that a person can expect to live, based on current ill health and mortality patterns.
The number of deaths in a population of children under 5 yrs old per 1000 live births during a specific time period.
Deaths in a population
Refers to levers of illness and disability within a population measure of how many people suffered from a particular condition during a given period of time.
Q3. Determinants of health
Physiological factors that impact health