With the rising cost of health benefits and compensations many, companies are turning to a more feasible way to take care of health and wellness issues. It is becoming more practical and cost efficient to incorporate a health and wellness program into the company practice. The extent of how much a program is applied depends greatly on how much a company can and is willing to spend, and how committed they are to help the individual employee have a healthy lifestyle. With a program properly put into practice, both the employee and the employer will see immense benefits.
Implementing a Health and Wellness program can be simple for employers who are wishing to reduce health care costs and decrease absenteeism. This can be done by encouraging everyone one involved to show support and commitment to the new services being offered.
The best way for companies to introduce such programs is to offer options such as
workshops for employees to experience specific ways to live healthier quick meetings during office or lunch hours to learn new tactics and be reminded of previous ones special staff to assist in everyday office lifestyle
The different ways to efficiently introduce the advantages of healthy living will have to be determined by each company depending on the cost of implementing it.
Putting a health and wellness program will benefit any company by
Lowering insurance costs with a simple plan introduction
Providing feedback to employees about all aspects of the company?s human resources and organizational behavior
Controlling long-term health care costs
Yielding net savings of $3.44 for every dollar spent on programming.
As obesity rises in North America, short term disability rises in direct proportion. This result is costing Canadian companies $16 billion per year and this trend is steadily on an increase. When companies invest in a health and
Cited: Woodson, Phyllis . "Eastern Virgina Medical School ." The Strelitz Diabetes Institutes. 2003. 15 Mar 2007 <http://www.evms.edu/diabetes/patient-info/genes.html>.