Population Health Proposal
In today’s changing healthcare landscape, health systems will need to become population health managers and remain financially viable. In order to accomplish this, the leadership team will have to attain a comprehensive economic perspective. This requires integration of payer, physician, health system and patient considerations to understand the financial impact on the system as a whole. Economic awareness and understanding means that health systems will need to initiate population health management initiatives according to targeted financial net impact including expected return on investment. Components needed to arrive at the realization of the net impact include understanding key spending and utilization metrics against benchmarks, determining critical points of focus for interventions, evaluation of care outside of the organization’s network, and becoming accountable for primary care. Identification of key efficiencies, in conjunction with the overall organizational strategy, allows for reigning in unwanted frequency and variability. Containment, along with integration of cost data to identify variation and the impact of preventative utilization has been reported to protect hospital margins. (Advisory Board 2014).
Background and Needs Assessment
Care Hope Medical Center (CHMC) is a 450 bed not-for-profit, full service community hospital located in Baytown, Louisiana, residing on more than 20 acres from downtown Storyville. Situated south of the Mississippi River and near vast industrial and maritime corridors, CH Medical serves area industry as well as the citizens of Dorr parish and the region. CHMC is the regional leader in acute, preventative, and rehabilitative healthcare services for south side of Dorr parish and its surrounding communities. CHMC owns and operates a fitness center, which is located on the hospital’s campus. Among the many features are an
References: Ashe-Edmunds, S. (2013). What are the benefits of corporate fitness? Retrieved from http://www.livestrong.com/article/340817-what-are-the-benefits-of-corporate-fitness/ Dunning, M. (2012). More companies linking rewards, penalties to wellness program results. Modern Healthcare. Retrieved from http://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20120809/INFO/308099994. Glen, K, Lewis, F. M., & Rimer, B. K. (1997). Health behavior and health education: Theory, research, and practice Inc.com (1999). Wellness programs can save companies money. Retrieved from http://www.inc.com/articles/1999/10/15198.html Kessler, S Mattke, S., Seid, M., & Ma, S. (2007). Evidence for the effect of disease management:Is $1 billion a year a good investment? Retrieved from Passon, E, Weaver, A (2014). The 4-step math exercise for population health: Designing your economic roadmap to population health management. The Advisory Board Company. Retrieved from advisory.com Shaw, S