DO NOT delegate what you can EAT! E - evaluate A - assess T - teach addisons= down, down down up down cushings= up up up down up addisons= hyponatremia, hypotension, decreased blood vol, hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia cushings= hypernatremia, hypertension, incrased blood vol, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia No Pee, no K (do not give potassium without adequate urine output) EleVate Veins; dAngle Arteries for better perfusion A= appearance (color all pink, pink and blue, blue [pale]) P= pulse (>100, < 100, absent) G= grimace (cough, grimace, no response) A= activity (flexed, flaccid, limp) R= respirations (strong cry, weak cry, absent) TRANSMISSION-BASED PRECAUTIONS: AIRBORNE My - Measles Chicken - Chicken Pox/Varicella Hez - Herpez Zoster/Shingles TB or remember... MTV=Airborne Measles TB Varicella-Chicken Pox/Herpes Zoster-Shingles Private Room - negative pressure with 6-12 air exchanges/hr Mask, N95 for TB DROPLET think of SPIDERMAN! S - sepsis S - scarlet fever S - streptococcal pharyngitis P - parvovirus B19 P - pneumonia P - pertussis I - influenza D - diptheria (pharyngeal) E - epiglottitis R - rubella M - mumps M - meningitis M - mycoplasma or meningeal pneumonia An - Adenovirus Private Room or cohort Mask…
All 4 elements have the same atomic radius as all 4 elements have only 1 shell.…
1. HIV- pathophysiology, risk factors, testing, patient teaching (pets), sentinel infections, NNRTIs/PIs action, needlestick length of tx (4 weeks), CD4 count…
• Maternal attachment/bonding- enface (and sensitive period- first hour after birth, best time to breast feed, baby alert, bonding occurs)…
Administrators must continuously seek opportunities to increase the profitability of their practice or facility. Throughout this course, you will develop a plan to integrate a current and emerging trend in health care in your organization. Your Executive Summary to integrate a current or emerging solution into your organization will include the following:…
In this video, Bon Berwick, President of Emeritus and Senior Fellow at the Institute of Healthcare Improvement talks about the changes and the importance of leadership. In the last 25 years, the roles of leaderships have changed and expanded. Leadership is the main point of improvements. To improve healthcare, leaders can set in place the contact, support, encouragement, and vision that allows systems to improve. When the board goes to sleep or executive goes to sleep, the system goes to sleep as well. Board training, fellowship programs, and leadership development have been important in efforts to have a turnaround in the system and its leadership.…
Why did Jim feel it necessary to analyze reflective material produced by students rather than just interview final-year students in his research?…
The reality of the current healthcare system in the United States is that costs are rising to out-of-control levels, quality of care is increasingly deficient and millions of Americans are without access to care. Traditional education for healthcare administrators has centered on business practices and organizational financial needs. Likewise, medical professionals tend to lack the business acumen necessary to effectively run healthcare facilities. The need to bridge the gap between healthcare administration and clinical care is more prevalent now than ever.…
When Mr. Weed was asked whether he considered leaders within his organization as stewards of care, he responded that leaders are influencing others by training and educating them to deliver the best health care possible. He gave the example of the recent changes in CRNA’s being required to recertify periodically throughout their career and increasing the degree field from a master’s degree to a doctorate degree. In this example, stewardship involved continuous competency management of education to provide quality care (personal communication, Eric Weed, December 8, 2013).…
Health and delivery is enhanced by the NP use of organizational practices and complex systems knowledge to effect changes in healthcare through negotiating, partnership and consensus. Patient and providers risks are reduced at the system and individual level while facilitating healthcare system development addressing providers, population, diverse cultural and stakeholders needs. Furthermore, the NP forms collaboration for transitions over care continuum(NONPF, 2012).…
Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2012). Delivering health care in America: A systems approach (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Jones & Barlet.…
Throughout this section, I will be citing various sources that support my leadership vision. The key concepts of my vision are: a) Enhanced quality of care, compassionate “patient-first” service, b) dedication to healthcare literacy, and c) effectively changing the level of health awareness one patient at a time. Through these avenues, I believe that the level of co-morbidities seen in our patients can be significantly reduced. The vision will also help one to realize that the average citizen is not as proficient in health education as the allied professional.…
Quality improvement among the healthcare industry is needed on a continuous basis. Staying familiar with the different trends and changes in policies is imperative for all health care organizations. Prior to any quality improvement a review and analysis of the current process is needed to determine whether or not additional adjustments are necessary. Once the areas of concern are identified a course of action plan needs to be executed. Along with process improvement quality improvement is needed in regards to patient care as well. Offering health trackers online, nurse lines for medical advice after hours, or even the ability to schedule appointments via the web. Next, I will review organizations that have contributed to reviewing the quality in healthcare organizations.…
• It uses an advanced encryption key that is never transmitted between host and access point.…
Health Care’s Distinctive Context and Executive Leadership Requirements Copyright © 2006 by Thomson Delmar Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 Purpose and Overview • Overview – Crossing the Quality Chasm: Distinctive Challenges – Developing a Standardized Knowledge Base for Professional Leadership and Health Care Managers…