HCA-255 Health Policy and Economic Analysis Care
July 29, 2012
Instructor: Barri Mallin Analysis of a Stakeholder Paper
For this assignment, I chose the American Medical Association (AMA) and what their position is on the healthcare reform act. The debate over medical care reform is not a new one (Dewar, 2010) and the AMA is not the only organization that has concerns over the healthcare reform act. The AMA placed itself in the center of the healthcare reform debate in 2009 and in the center of the Democratic Party interest regarding their reform efforts (Modern Healthcare, 2009). The AMA has three goals to meet when it comes to today’s healthcare reform issues. In this paper, I will provide valid information toward these three issues. First, the AMA what’s to do away with the Independent Payment Advisory Board that forces cuts affecting all physicians and other providers. Second, they want to replace the SGR formula with a new payment system that rewards physicians for their valuable care they provide to patients. Finally, they want to find a way to fix the medical liability system for patients and physicians by pushing legislative body and states to endorse reform. First, the AMA wants to do away with the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), which impose cuts affecting all physicians and other health care providers. First, I want to explain what the IPAB is and what they do. The IPAB is a United States Government agency created and operated under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Its mission is to achieve savings in Medicare without affecting health care coverage and quality. The AMA feels different; they feel that in keeping this board active in our health care system this would add to the problems do to the current physician payment formula being used, which is afflicting problems on our Medicare and the TRICARE military health care program,
Citations: Halvorson, George C. (2009). Health Care Will Not Reform Itself: A User 's Guide to Refocusing and Reforming American Health Care. Productivity Press, New York, NY Dewar, Diane M. (2010) Essentials of Health Ecomomics. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. Pg. 137 Garber, K. (2009). Treating a Sick System. U.S. News Digital Weekly, 1(27), 9. “AMA Tells Congress: IPAB Would Hurt Patients’ Access to Care and Should be Repealed”. (2012) Retrieved on July 28, 2012 from: The American Medical Association Website, Washington, DC, https://www.ama-assn.org/ Van de Water, Paul N. (2010). “The Sustainable Growth Rate Formula and Health Reform Report” (pg.2) Retrieved on July 28, 2012 from: The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Website, Washington, DC, https://www.cbpp.org/ Medical Liability Reform NOW! The facts you need to address the broken medical liability system. (2012) Published by, “The American Medical Association”. Retrieved on July 28, 2012 from: American Medical Association, Washington, DC, https://ama-assn.org/go/mlrnow