When President Barack Hussein Obama ascended to power, he promised to transform the Health Care System in America to make it more affordable for lower and middle class citizens. The Affordable Care Act was met with stiff opposition across the United States, especially by the Insurance companies that dominate the Healthcare market. This still has not deterred the push for better health care in America, which would not only enable easy access to hospital services but also make it affordable to everyone.
Under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, beginning in 2014 the Federal Government will begin paying individual states to add residents who cannot afford health insurance to Medicaid programs within those states. This means that even those individuals who are proven to not be financially able to afford to purchase coverage will receive healthcare coverage. This provision helps to realize the goal of no less than 95 percent of all citizens being covered by some form of healthcare insurance. While this is a long-term goal, the steps toward achieving it must be immediate and ongoing. Those advocates for the Affordable Care Act who are in Congress fight daily to ensure that the progress happens, as do those who oppose the Affordable Care Act for whatever reasons. Some individuals have referred to the concept set forth with regard to the Affordable Care Act as a “one-size-fits-all” program which will never work for all Americans; and for every advocate in favor of, there is an opponent against. There are many who feel that they should not have to change
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