So why invest? By investing your money, you are getting your money to generate more money by earning interest on what you put away or by buying and selling assets that increase in value. Whether you invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options and futures, precious metals, real estate, your own small business, or any combination thereof, the objective is the same: to make investments that will generate more cash for you in the future.
The American health care industry is one of the nation's largest and most profitable industries. It is also one of the few American industries that is expected to grow in the next few decades. In fact, the healthcare industry in America is expected to generate 3.2 million new jobs through the year 2018, which is more than any other American industry. It is not only a large industry, but a very broad one with many potential investment opportunities and many potential risks
The healthcare division is made up of many different industries, each with different dynamics – from pharmaceuticals and devices to health insurers and hospitals. Investments in this sector are affected by many variables, including positive trends related to demographics; the aging population and obesity and diabetes epidemics and the negative trends related to reimbursement; the uninsured and a single payer system.1
Investing in any healthcare division requires a complex approach to understand each sector. An investor can profit from the health care division as a whole and/or its separate divisions. The