The United States is the only modern industrialized country without a sound health care system. It is the most privatized in the U.S, which means that in order to take advantage of medical services one must have insurance or be prepared for big expenses. For example, a visit to the emergency room can cost thousands of dollars. This is why many Americans do not seek medical assistance and get sick because they do not have insurance. Since 1999, 1 in 6 people, not including the elderly, went without health care coverage for an entire year. More men went without coverage than women. Even Canada has a system where everyone in the country has some type of health care coverage.
In the U.S., free health care is entitled to only the poorest, that is, people with incomes of less than eighteen thousand dollars a year for a family of three. Those who are most likely to be covered are those who are elderly and under the age of 18. For them there is a government program called Medicaid. The elderly have the right to use the Medicare system of budget-funded Social Security pension, meaning every working U.S. citizen pays premiums throughout his professional life.
As reported by the U.S. Census Bureau, there are forty-four million Americans lacking health insurance. It was really hard to find out exactly how many residents in the U.S. do not have insurance. According to the article, more Americans are losing insurance and the reason is
Healthcare in United States the economic downturn. The result of it is that more people look for different solutions; instead going to the doctor for treatments they seek medications. Most of these
References: 1.Leiyu Shi and Douglas A. Singh (2010) Essentials of U.S Health Care System: Historical Overview of U.S Health Care Delivery 51-74, Health Policy ( 299-321) The Future of Health System Services Delivery ( 323-344) 2. Eliza Sarnacka-Mahoney ( 2004) The American Periscope, Health ( 238-260) 3.