Josephine Nwosu
Grand Canyon University
Spirituality in Healthcare
Emory Davis
October 26, 2014
Healthcare Provider Faith and Diversity peer review: Final Draft
Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity: Final Draft
As health care providers we come from diverse backgrounds of cultural and religious beliefs, we have different perspectives on faith and healing. However, the nature of this profession places us in direct contact with people of different faiths, religion, cultural backgrounds and differing philosophy on faith and healing. It is very important that health care workers avoid being judgmental, biases and prejudices and focus on the need of the patients regardless of whether or not we agree with their view point on faith and healing. In order to provide holistic care, it is equally important to understand religious background and faith practices and how it impacts patient’s health.
Many people describe faith and healing differently, but study show that regardless of faith and …show more content…
With touch, the “assist” or minister gently touches parts of the sick person’s body and ask for verbal confirmation that they can feel the touch. This is done respectively until the person can verbalize relief. They appreciate very minimal of noise during illness as they belief that spoken words have power as one being hypnotized. They are very optimistic and believe they will have better outcome than the doctor may predict. Even in the face of terminal illness, they do not view it as a great calamity, as they belief that the end of one life is the not the end of another and it is very important that the healthcare providers know and respect their wishes. (Hamilton, 2010) it is important to them that Health workers stay positive, eliminate noise and respect their