Brigett Stokes
Human Resource Management MG250
Janelle Couture
Module 5- Case Study 5
What would you do if you were Mr. Black? Out the four choices offered, I would meet with the female supervisors and apologize for the pay gap. I would inform them that they will receive salary increases and then discuss payment options related to the back pay. I would ask if they would consider allowing the company to setup an installment plan this way I could gradually increase the female supervisor’s salaries until they are on par with their male salaried employees. I also would definitely discuss with all employees the policies and procedures of this company and letting them know I will prevent this situation every occurring again .Lastly, avoid unwanted scrutiny and focus on the company’s bottom line of accruing profits, then I would dispel this oversight and continue to move this company forward without any unfairness.
How do you think the company got into a situation like this in the first place? The former president "Bill George" built Acme manufacturing in an era where handshakes and word of mouth went a long way in a small town. Woman employees were probably hired as the economy started shifting from the traditional role of housewife to a more independent and physical role. Since the female employees were probably not taken as the more aggressive workers than their counterparts, I believe Mr. George had one on one discussion with his woman employees to determine their wages and ignorance job evaluation and underestimation of the female employees.
Why would you suggest Mr. Black pursue the solution you suggested? I believe this disparity needs to be addressed, however not in a manner that's alerting to the employees. Mr. Black would not want to disturb the environment of the employees or damage the reputation of the company at a