Accomplishing goals of much value in life is very difficult without pursuing higher education. This paper will address upon the basic questions and topics related to obtaining my Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing degree. The paper will answer the questions like my motivation to return to school for further education, the benefits that I hope to obtain from this education, my plans on implementing my knowledge into practice, the terminal degree that I plan to obtain, and what it means to be a life-long learner. ?
Obtaining higher education for a successful life was not always an obvious reality to me, though. Coming from a household where neither parents completed high school or college, education did not seem to be a huge priority especially for women in my country. In fact, merely finishing high school was thought to be the greatest possible outcome. But things have changed since then. Living comfortably now requires the application of knowledge, which is why my goals, both professional and personal, revolve around continued training and schooling. Everyone requires motivation, be it internal or external, to achieve their goals in life. The motivating factors for adults to go back to school revolves around these aspects of self-improvement, self-actualization, vocation and career opportunities, family and providing for them, knowledge and research. My biggest motivation on continuing my Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing involves the factors of self-actualization, career benefits and opportunities, and to provide for my family. Nursing as seen in India, my home country, possess very different views than those projected in the western society. Nursing in India is characterized as dominated by working and lower middle- class women, requiring labor very close to that of a domestic servant, and often viewed by the public as morally questionable. Indian society tended to view nursing as not only menial and morally dubious,
References: American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2000). The Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing as Minimal Preparation for Professional Practice. AACN Position Paper. Retrieved from: Author Unknown, Traditional Chinese Proverb. Bedford, C. (1991). Clay P. Bedford, 88, Executive In Top Projects at Kaiser Industries. The New York Times. Retrieved from Orsolini-Hain, L. (n.d). What’s all the fuss? Working towards a Baccalaureate or Graduate degree in Nursing. National Student Nurse Association. Retrieved from To BSN or Not to BSN - That is the Nurse 's Question. Medi-Smart Nursing Education Resources. Retrieved from