Xy-za Castro
California State University Eastbay
Table content
Abstract Page 3
Introduction Page 4
Review Of literature Page 5
Discussion of U.S and Canada health care Page 11
Conclusion Page 13
Recommendation Page 14
Reference Page 15
The United States health care system has been the center of debates, and is constantly being compared to Canada’s health care system. This research will look in depth about the development of each countries health care system, as well as comparing both countries by looking at their healthcare delivery system, financing, and how their insurance works. The U.S health expenditures exceed Canada’s, but yet United States still has a high number of uninsured citizens.
The United States health care system has been the center for much heated debate between politicians, law makers, leaders, and health experts. With the United States being the leader in advance medical technology, and high health care spending, somehow it has many uninsured citizens. In the 1930’s, Americans and Canadians had similar health care concept. Both tried to alleviate health care gaps by increasing use of employment-based insurance plans (Dressel, 2006). Both also encouraged nonprofit private insurance plans like Blue Cross, as well as for profit insurance plans (Dressel 2010). To this day, Americans continue to practice the same concept while Canada now has Medicare which is a government-funded universal health insurance program which was passed in 1957, 1966, and 1984 (“Canadian Museum of”, 2010). While the majority of developed countries are now providing a national health insurance program financed and run by government, the United States is considered as a fragmented health care system because people obtain health care through different means (Shi, Singh 2012).
The basic component of a health service delivery
References: Anderson , G., Hussey, P., Frogner, B., & Waters , H. (2005). Health spending in the united states and the rest of the industrialized world . Retrieved from http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/24/4/903.full Barer, M., & Lewis, S Canadian Health, C. (2007, January 01). Canadian health care. Retrieved from http://www.canadian-healthcare.org/page2.html Canadian museum of civilization CIHI. (2011). Retrieved from CIHI website: http://www.cihi.ca/cihi-ext- portal/internet/en/document/spending and health workforce/spending/release_03nov11 Dressel, H Janssen. (2011, Nov 03). Health care spending to top $200b in Canada. Retrieved from http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/story/2011/11/03/health-care-spending.html O 'Neill, J Ridic, G., Gleason , S., & Ridic, O. (2012). Comparison of health care system in the united states, Germany, and Canada. Retrieved from http://www.scopemed.org/fulltextpdf.php?mno=20023 Roff, P Shi, L., & Singh, D. (2012). Delivering health care in America. (5 ed., pp. 5-20). Burlington: Jones and Bartlett Learning.