Dasia Holloway
COM 172
Dr. Carolyn Ford
Healthy Living
A healthy lifestyle is multi-faceted, with components that include proper diet, physical activity, drinking habits and other behavioral choices. Making good choices can positively impact various aspects of your health and contribute to a healthy lifestyle. The positive choices and decisions that are made in one’s life come from that person’s ability to become a critical thinker. It is important to apply reasoning and logic to unfamiliar ideas and situations to develop the best outcome. As described by the Centers for Disease Control, “chronic disease is the leading cause of death and disability in the United States. It accounts for 70% of all deaths in the U.S., which is 1.7 million each year.” Although chronic disease is among the most common and costly health problems, they are also amongst the most preventable and most can be effectively controlled. Choosing healthy foods and eating nutrionally, along with exercise and healthy life choices can prevent chronic disease thereby increasing your life span.
A healthy lifestyle involves various areas of development in your life, some in which can be developed and conquered with no challenges, others that involve ongoing work and change in order to grow in that particular area. Maintaining a proper diet can be a challenge in today’s society with all the unhealthy foods and snack choices that are easily obtainable through corner stores, gas stations and markets. Saying no may be difficult but is necessary to develop and maintain good health. Not only is it important to monitor food choices, it is also important to stay physically active and fit. Regular exercise can help protect you from certain diseases such as heart diseases and high blood pressure. It also prevents obesity, back pains, and helps to relieve stress and improve your mood. A healthy lifestyle is an ongoing process. Constantly making changes and growing in different areas is normal and necessary to maintain good health.
Maslow’s Hiearchy of Needs
_________________________________________. Drinking habits _____________________________________________________________.
Other behavioral chocies……….According to Maslow’s Hiearchy of Needs Regular exercise is an important factor in preventing chronic disease and illness. It is the best way to stay fit and healthy. Daily physical activity can help protect you from certain diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. By exercising it strengthens your heart muscles……………………………….With regular exercise, combined with proper nutrition, it can help control weight and prevent obesity which is a major risk factor for many diseases. Choosing healthy foods and eating nutrionaly