to him--but that was a trifle. The thing to know was what he belonged to, how many powers of darkness claimed him for their own. That was the reflection that made you creepy all over. It was impossible--not good for one either--trying to imagine. He had taken a high seat amongst the devils of the land--I mean literally. You can't understand--how could you?" (Pg. 118 ) Kurtz is the shadow of Marlow, but for Europe the shadow is imperialism. The manager is an example of the negative effects of imperialism. The good
to him--but that was a trifle. The thing to know was what he belonged to, how many powers of darkness claimed him for their own. That was the reflection that made you creepy all over. It was impossible--not good for one either--trying to imagine. He had taken a high seat amongst the devils of the land--I mean literally. You can't understand--how could you?" (Pg. 118 ) Kurtz is the shadow of Marlow, but for Europe the shadow is imperialism. The manager is an example of the negative effects of imperialism. The good