Within the book Heart of Darkness greed is a immense description toward the English and the scenery that they inhabit. The English show a excessive rapacious desire for wealth and possessions . There greed and rapacious desire for health and possessions take them to the heart of the congo, where elephants are slaughtered for there tusks that are ivory. The ivory is considered a high commodity in England. The ivory symbolizes greed and destructive nature of man and agents of the company are so opposed with obtaining ivory that they forget there morals , so called civilized ways. This representations of the greed over the ivory on the landscape can be seen in this quote found in the book Heart of Darkness “ to tear treasure out of the bowls of the landscape was there desire” (Conrad 110). The desire or greed over the land, and all the wealth, and possessions found in it, the effects that it brings upon the landscape can be proven from this statement found in the bible “ The greedy bring ruin to there households” (Psalms 10:3, NIV). This decay in this indigenous scenery resulted though greed is a direct reason why its decaying
The decay of the indigenous scenery within the book Heart of Darkness is a result of violence shown through developed countries specifically England in the book. The violence and
Cited: "Heart of Darkness." SparkNotes. Ed. Joesph Conrad. SparkNotes, 1 Jan. 2012. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. . Conrad, Joesph. "Heart of Darkness." By Joseph Conrad. Search EText, Read Online, Study, Discuss. N.p., July-Aug. 2012. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. . Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: Knopf, 1993. Print.