As it is said in the poem the British people, especially Douglas and Dr. Saunders think that the Indians are barbaric ans heathen.
It is the same Attitude as it is stated in Kipling´s poem. Because Dr. Saunders thinks that Indians have no culture and no religion but just are savage and gruesome in their kind of acting.
This is exactly the same way Kipling describes the Indians in his poem.
For Douglas, not all, but most of the Indians are violent and dangerous.
He thinks he has to rescue and to help them.
As also mentioned in the poem Douglas sees himself as the white man who has the burden to clean up India and there is nothing for him he couldn’t handle.
Dr. Saunders and Douglas are representatives of the message of the poem.
Olivia has a different opinion.
She knows that the Indians are human beings like everyone else, too and that they have their own culture and religion with their customs and traditions.
She can´t understand that there is a right for the British just because they are white to interfere and destroy the Indian way of life.
She is the complete opposite of the poems´ message because she respects the religion and doesn’t want to bring her religion to them.
She feels like a guest and does not want to rob the country and threaten the people like devils.
They act as if they want to help and as if they have the burden to bring food and peace to the poor barbaric people but actually they just rob the country and try to bring their religion and culture to India.