Professor Williams
English 101
14 December 2010
The Roots of America’s Heritage: The Indians?
The Indians were here before the name American even existed. In Luther Standing Bear’s essay “what the Indian means to America”, he informed us of how great the American Indian is. While many scholars would debate on the true heritage of America’s beginning, The Indian would not join this argument because they alone know the real story of this country we call home. Within this essay the Indians are a breed of people that do not lie down easily. Many would strongly agree with Luther Standing Bear’s definition that the Indian is a true American. The Indians are the roots under America soil because of their strong connection with nature, their spiritual toughness, and their musical influence.
First and foremost, before the colonist arrived the Indians had the strongest connection to this land; they understood and had an intense love for nature and respect for the life that the earth produced. Throughout Standing Bear’s essay, it’s clear that to him the white …show more content…
“And the Indian wants to dance! It is his way of expressing devotion, of communing with unseen power, and in keeping his tribal identity.” For example, if the dance for harvest was performed incorrectly they might not get the rain, which would hurt the crops and the tribe. Their traditional flute playing and drums have influenced many jazz musicians. Even though Standing Bear disapproves of jazz music calling it “noisy” the Indians did pave a way for music culture. The Indians had many skills that derived from there communion with the divine through song. Despite all the trouble they went through to express their heritage in music, they are true Americans. According to Luther Standing Bear’s definition, they would stand the test of