Jacob Koshak This is a story about the journey of a husband and wife, Chris and Serena Davis, as they both go through two different realms in the afterlife. The story begins with the couple returning from a Festival and being hit by an oncoming 18 wheeler truck. The impact instantly kills them both and both are then sent to be judged by God in the afterlife. Chris is an avowed Christian that is sent to heaven for being faithful to God while Serena, being a non-believer, is sent to Hell for her denial of Christ’s eternal gift. The book accounts, in vivid detail, the stark differences between the two realms of Heaven and Hell. While Chris meets the Father and is reunited with his long dead mother and is blessed by the …show more content…
In hell Serena is tossed by the current of the sea of flames and is brought closer and closer to an island that presents her an opportunity for momentary peace from her unbearable suffering. As the waves bring her upon the cliff she grabs ahold of the rocks and climbs up onto the island, where she finds a cave to rest in. She is awakened by a presence that turns out to be a fallen angel. This angel is known as Abaddon and he decides, after hearing of Serena’s story, to protect her from Satan and the fate that she is destined to go through. A strange relationship begins to form between this human and fallen angel, as Abbadon recounts how he fell from grace after he dwelled upon earth and procreated with the human population, claiming to be a god among the humans. During this Chris is met by a man who we find out is Johann Kepler, who is a famous scientist back on earth, he listens to Chris’ story and agrees to find some kind of meaning as to why Chris is the only one that can remember his wife, we find out that in Heaven God erases the memory of loved ones to ease the pain of being separated. After sometime Chris meets with the angel that transported his wife to hell and asks him to send messages to his wife. The angel agrees and then there is a time where Serena and Chris are in …show more content…
Then a massive search is unleashed for this human. Abaddon takes Serena to tour Hell and is discovered by demons whom report to their leader that a fallen angel has aided this human. Serena and Abaddon hide away in the cave that they call their home as they communicate with Aaron, the angel that has been passing messages to and from Serena to Chris, about their potential options. Meanwhile, Chris learns from Aaron of the danger that Serena is in and goes back to Johann to seek advice, he learns that Johann has been working on a machine that will be able to transport to and from Heaven and Hell, although they cannot take Serena back to Heaven because she is not pure they can take her to another world that they found near Hell, a world that is uninhabited by any humans and is similar to that of earth. They enlist the help of many angelic warriors whom agree to fight off the inevitable demonic horde that will swarm that will sense their presence on Hell. They transport themselves to Hell and Serena boards with Chris while Abaddon and the other fallen angels, whom have agreed to stand by Abaddon and Serena, decline the offer to be