Colton suddenly gets sick. A few days later, Colton is still not doing well and they decide to rush him to the emergency room. When they get their, the doctors tell them that he has appendicitis and will need surgery immediately to get his appendix removed. In surgery
Colton gets a near death experience and goes to heaven and back. When he comes back home and is doing well again, Colton mentions that he wants to go back to Denver so he can hold the tarantula again at the zoo. He does, and tells his dad that we never need to be scared and also that he has been there before. His dad is confused and wonders why his son said this and used words out of his vocabulary. Todd continues to talk to him and Colton tells him that he went to heaven and heard the angels singing to him. He says he saw the doctors operating on his body and also he says he saw Todd yelling at God in the chapel and saw his mom talking on the phone in the other. Todd throughout the movie tries to seek the truth of
Colton’s unbelievable story by talking to his peers and also a professional, and most of the people thinks he is crazy. Colton then tells him he met Todd’s great grandfather in heaven and then later he tells Sanja that he met his second sister who died in the womb. The Burpo’s then realize their son has gone to heaven and back. Todd realizes this is a message from
God and he begins preaching