How quickly we are to confuse our identity with our roles and obligations. In other words, regardless to the fact that you're someone's mother, daughter, wife, coworker, business partner, or friend, buried under all the titles and hats that women so masterfully wear, there's a unique and distinctive person, full of creativity and possibilities, whom, the Potter, our LORD, has wonderfully created (Psalm 139:14). Additionally, as exciting as it is to be any of the above titles, there's still so much more to you. Consequently, I'm reminded of the fact that Romans 12:6 declares that: God has given gifts that differ according to the grace that has been given, and 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 declares that: We've been given gifts of the Spirit, furthermore,…
We have been prey to bad people, and we have lost everything. A few times. I have learned by taking the rough road that without God’s presence, leadership, and Grace in my life, there is danger and failure. When I am walking with God, bad things still happen, but I am able to deal with them and find a way out for myself, and sometimes my children. I am learning to not forgive myself, and allow God to love me, I set us all up for defeat. I am getting used to living in Grace. I want that for my children. I want that for everyone! God is good, and we are blessed. Even with the hard things that temper…
Sometimes we think that our plans must lead down a better road, or that God must not love us enough to protect us from this pain we feel, but God actually uses the painful experiences to further develop our character. Vivian Thomas could have given up when it became too discouraging, but instead he persevered and became an inspiration to many people. During times that are hard, God teaches us more about life, ourselves, and most importantly, about Him. Sometimes it is even necessary to go through a difficult time before we are able to realize the ways in which we need to grow and…
Remember when you were brought into this world? You were given a path you create and follow alone. Your path could lead you to being the best person out there because of what you have gone through. I personally went through a lot of good times but had my fair share of bad. This made me who i am as an individual.…
past situations, some bad and some good, allows for one to be able to face adversity when it hits…
We also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.…
Every day when we wake up, we are confronted with challenges. Some of the challenges are ones that we face every day, whereas some days we face brand new ones. Whether the challenge is simply getting out of bed and getting ready or dealing with a family emergency, we all face challenges each and every day. It is how we respond to these challenges that make us who we are. We can shy away from challenges and pretend they do not exist, or we can attack them through faith knowing we are not fighting on our own.…
I strongly believe that this experience has brought me closer to God in many ways. He used my stress for my good and for His glory because I was able to redefine and to rediscover my priorities in life by gaining a perspective from a life where I did not want to live in; I did not want to be that girl who is always angry at everyone and upset because she missed a few points on an exam or received a lower score than expected. Instead of going to God and praying to Him, looking back, I feel that I shut Him out, choosing to bury my frustrations and anxieties inside. God strengthened my faith in Him by bringing me closer to Him through praying. I know how much He loves us all, and that He will lead me with the Holy Spirit through the many roadblocks that may lay ahead in my near and distant…
Based on the reading and notes thus far, it is plainly evident that this class will entail no more than the history and methods of the New Testament and other Early Christian Writings. This is a class of neutral sides working together to become historians of the ancient world.…
The Bible says “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God” also, God reveals that suffering carries with it a noble purpose: It should help us to grow in brotherly love, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians6:2) I think that when we support each other through suffering we form closer relationships. I believe that suffering is a part of life that needs to be embraced and that for me, I find comfort in knowing God allows suffering to serve a divine purpose. When we return to God it will bring an end to sadness and suffering. I suffer every day with anxiety. It makes me a better person because I know what it’s like to suffer, and because I suffer, I am a more compassionate person to others. I go out of my way to try to lift others in spirit because I know what it feels like to be down. I try to be a wonderful friend because I know how shortcoming in friends can be a letdown, and how having a good friend has kept me safe on bad days. I think sometimes when people don’t suffer they become self-centered and think they are above others. I think it is often when we suffer that we are drawn closer to our families and given a reality check. Suffering helps us to fulfill our potential as children of God (1John…
The purpose of writing this exegetical paper to produce some analysis from chosen topic that is from Philippians 2:1-11. This exegetical paper will produce some basic analysis from the history, present and to the future through the content of the text. In addition, the relevant issues will also be provided through the background of this paper which will be deeply examined. This passage is deeply interpreted so that its context will clearly states the overall meaning of this passage in this letter. Summary and applications will also be shown if necessary to give the perfect conclusion for this paper. Well coming to this passage from Philippians in the epistle of Paul the apostle which was written to the Philippians when Paul had endured much suffering for the cause of Christ. These trials had taught to be content in all circumstances, an ability that Paul encouraged the Philippians to cultivate (4:11). In fact, his letter to the Philippians is a testimony to this…
Growing up, life was not easy; yet, I know that God uses these hardships for His greater good.…
Louis Berkof by systematically addressing the origin of the Gospel and the Epistles of the New Testament, their content, characteristics, authorship, composition, and canonical significance,…
I did not let any struggles that I may have endured in my life hold me back. I used those things to fuel my determination and help me to become successful in my life. I was one of only three surviving children that my parents had. When I was only 7 my mother died. This resulted in me becoming more drawn to my sister. Later in my life her child would become one of my mistresses.…
This verse would mean that through the suffering people endure they find perseverance and with the perseverance they build character. Character allows them to build and maintain their hope in God and everything that God and the Holy Spirit had empowered us with.…