by her weight, such as confident and happy, were at last able to be openly expressed. Responsible for a large majority of this self-confidence, was Dr. Diane Budd, who provided the NAAFA meeting with statistics to match these feelings- or rather, a lack of statistics relating weight loss and health. The experience changed Worley for the better, leading her to walk away from diets and weight-loss fads and towards vegetarianism, providing her with a chance to finally relish the found she was using to nourish her body. She decided to be healthy in her eyes, a far cry from the societal standards that once burdened her every bite. But there was a final tipping point in which Worley could see her body in a positive light for the first time. After hiking Yosemite with her husband and beating their personal best distances, Worley followed through with her self-promoted challenge by not giving up on her body, but rather promoting a relationship with herself that was previously nonexistent. However, all it took was a life-altering choice, not a life-altering diet.
by her weight, such as confident and happy, were at last able to be openly expressed. Responsible for a large majority of this self-confidence, was Dr. Diane Budd, who provided the NAAFA meeting with statistics to match these feelings- or rather, a lack of statistics relating weight loss and health. The experience changed Worley for the better, leading her to walk away from diets and weight-loss fads and towards vegetarianism, providing her with a chance to finally relish the found she was using to nourish her body. She decided to be healthy in her eyes, a far cry from the societal standards that once burdened her every bite. But there was a final tipping point in which Worley could see her body in a positive light for the first time. After hiking Yosemite with her husband and beating their personal best distances, Worley followed through with her self-promoted challenge by not giving up on her body, but rather promoting a relationship with herself that was previously nonexistent. However, all it took was a life-altering choice, not a life-altering diet.