
Hellenistic Greek Sculpture: Venus De Milo (100 BCE)

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Hellenistic Greek Sculpture: Venus De Milo (100 BCE)
Hellenistic Greek Sculpture (c.323-27 BCE) Venus de Milo (c.130-100 BCE)
Louvre, Paris. For other forms of sculpture from the wider Aegean area, see the Art of Classical Antiquity (c.1000 BCE - 450 CE).
Note: among the most famous items of Hellenistic Greek sculpture was the Colossus of Rhodes (292-280 BCE) - one of the Seven Wonders of the World, as compiled by the Greek poet Antipater of Sidon.

The Hellenistic Styles
The era of Hellenistic Art (323-27 BCE) occupied a time-span nearly as long as that of all previous Greek sculpture put together.
Since it was no longer in fashion when serious academic study began and is also bewilderingly diverse, its course is much less understood. At the beginning there was some continuation and development
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They improved the understanding of anatomy, both in the detailed configuration of the surface of the body and also in its response to tension and relaxation, but this understanding was used selectively according to the subject and character of the work. In the late fourth and early third centuries the followers of Praxiteles achieved an even softer modelling of flesh, which continued to be a favourite technique where sensuous or sentimental effects were wanted - for instance, in female nudes, hermaphrodites and small children. Other …show more content…
Hellenistic sculptors had other standards. In work of traditional character they kept the old impassivity, but where the aim was naturalistic or dramatic they enjoyed their virtuosity. Pain, fear, pleasure, amusement, drunkenness, lassitude, sleep and death were within their range by the second century, so too were all the gradations of age and, when they wanted, they could produce plausibly differentiated racial types. As might be expected, portraiture became more vivid, though of course some regard for dignity was usually expected by the

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