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It honestly depends on how you revise. Personally, I copied up notes from each lesson that I had and made sure all the topics were neatly organised, so by the time the course was finished I had done all my notes for revision, aided from two textbooks and lessons. This mean that from when I broke up in December I had all my revision materials ready to revise from and all I had to do was sit there and learn it! So I'm guessing if you do it that way you would have at least three weeks of solid revision, xx Yeah I think I'll start my notes Thanks for good advice xxx

Reply Jessca's Avatar Jessca 27-09-2011 11:24 42

Heya, I love sociology and my memory for all the information is great. The only thing which fails me is I cannot write an essay for my life! I know all the A01 and A02 but have no idea how to structure the essay for this... My problems are with both AS and A2. I am doing the same units (families, education, religion and crime) but with no idea how to write an essay I am gettign grades which don't refelct my knowledge at all!

Reply Maicccccmannnn's Avatar Maicccccmannnn 29-09-2011 02:38 43

How hard did you find Sociology in comparison to Psychology?

Reply xbethany's Avatar xbethany 29-09-2011 19:24 44

(Original post by Jessca) Heya, I love sociology and my memory for all the information is great. The only thing which fails me is I cannot write an essay for my life! I know all the A01 and A02 but have no idea how to structure the essay for this... My problems are with both AS and A2. I am doing the same units (families, education, religion and crime) but with no idea how to write an essay I am gettign grades which don't refelct my knowledge at all! I know you didn't ask me but I'll try to help. Start with a clear introducation, and explain in the introduction what you're going to say in the

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