What is a Poison Dart Frog, you might ask? You can find these small creatures in the rainforest of South America and some parts of lower Central America. The Poison Dart Frog ranges from less than an inch to two and half inches in body length. There are more than a hundred species of poison dart frogs. They range in color and patterns, color shades vary among frogs within a species. It is the skin that contains the frogs poison, the variety of colors are warnings to predators that the frogs are poisonous. Their diet contains mainly termites, crickets, flies and ants. In captivity they are fed small crickets daily. The male frog goes through a ritual to attract a female mate. They do this vocalizing a loud trill sound Once the ritual is complete, the female lays dozens of eggs on leaves. The eggs are encased in substance for protection against decay. During the first week, the male returns to the eggs to check on them. Once the tadpoles have hatched, they swim onto the males back and are attached by a mucus, which keeps them from falling off. The male carries them to a place where they development is best fit, such as wet holes in broken trees and branches, and little ponds. Once the tadpoles are on their own, they need additional three months to metamorphose into small frogs. They usually live more than ten years in captivity. Poison dart frogs are very territorial towards other frogs. They call to others of their species when defending their territory. The males will fight up to 30 minutes. A species that is very close the poison frog is the Panamanian golden frog. They live in South America as well and contain a poison that is very similar to the poison dart frog. Some adaptations that the poison dart frogs have are strong hind legs for jumping, skin color is used for camouflage and or to warn other predators of their poisonous, sticky tongue to help catch their pray and sticky pads on their feet for climbing trees. The poison dart frog belongs to the…