School of Arts and Humanities
Freshman College
College English I — EN 131 (3 credit hours towards degree) Fall 2012
Instructor: Suzan Sarhan Title: English Instructor
Office Location: Ranslow 5 Office Phone: 386.481.2039
Email: Office Hours: MWF 9:30-11:30 & 12:50-1:50
Students are assigned to English 131 if they have attained an acceptable placement score or meet equivalent requirements.
College English I is the first of two sequential courses in college-level writing covering various rhetorical strategies. The course teaches principles for non-fiction prose, from pre-writing and organizing through revising and editing. Students are required to read, discuss, and analyze essays, and autobiographical or biographical selections. Students are required to write several essays and a short documented research paper.
COURSE OBJECTIVES • Demonstrate competence in standard written English. • Organize an essay into a well written introduction, body, and conclusion determined by purpose and audience. • Apply the principles of the writing process: prewriting, planning, drafting, peer review, teacher conferences, substantive revision, and editing. • Respond critically to readings by summarizing, paraphrasing, analyzing, and evaluating the text. • Employ library research in the creation of at least one essay using paraphrases, summaries, and direct quotations with MLA documentation • Write essays using the following rhetorical modes: narration, exposition, and argumentation. Exposition can include description, example, definition, cause and effect, process, and comparison/contrast. • Produce a minimum of 6,000 words (20-25 pages) according to the Gordon Rule.
Cohen, Samuel, ed. 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology. 3rd ed. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011.
Hacker, Diana, and