Helping adolescents after they commit the crime doesn’t always show affective, but if we can get better …show more content…
Many people have started programs that are successful for a lot of adolescents, but they aren’t available everywhere. We could start programs at the schools that help the children with their mental problems, and everyone is required to take those classes. Children can see all of the bad things that they are capable of doing just with the click of a button and that is kind of scary. Children will look at that stuff they see on the TV, whether or not it is murder or jaywalking and think that if those people can get away with it why can’t they. So we could start teaching the children when they are in Preschool, what is not allowed and then work up with that as they get older and help them cope with mental problems if they have them.
Therefore we should only try juveniles in adult court if they have no hope in being rehabilitated. To rehabilitate those adolescents we can start programs at every school to help teach children that there are consequences to their actions. There are alternatives that we can try and at least then we can say that we are trying something, because if we don't, more and more adolescents will be committing crimes. Another path we could take is helping the after they committed the crime, it is not as successful but it is better than doing