Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction: PAGEREF _Toc389960313 \h 31.1 Systems, procedures and policies for communicating information on health and safety in the health and social care workplace in accordance with legislative requirements: PAGEREF _Toc389960315 \h 4Sharing Information: PAGEREF _Toc389960316 \h 4Taking Views into Account: PAGEREF _Toc389960317 \h 4Feedback: PAGEREF _Toc389960318 \h 4Health and safety committees: PAGEREF _Toc389960319 \h 4Duties and obligations of health and safety policy: PAGEREF _Toc389960320 \h 4Employer Duties PAGEREF _Toc389960321 \h 5Employee Duties PAGEREF _Toc389960322 \h 51.2 Responsibilities in a specific health and social care workplace: PAGEREF _Toc389960330 \h 61.3 Health and safety priorities appropriate for a specific health and social care workplace: PAGEREF _Toc389960336 \h 62.1 analyzing how information from risk assessment informs care planning for individuals and organizational decision making about policies and procedures regarding the case study-1 : PAGEREF _Toc389960337 \h 72.2. Analyze the impact of one aspect of health and safety policy on health and social care practice and its customers: PAGEREF _Toc389960338 \h 82.3. How dilemmas addressed in this case study: PAGEREF _Toc389960339 \h 92.4 Effect of non compliance with health and safety legislation in a health and social care workplace: PAGEREF _Toc389960340 \h 10Financial policy failure consequences: PAGEREF _Toc389960341 \h 10Physical and health policy failure consequences: PAGEREF _Toc389960342 \h 10Legal policy failure consequences: PAGEREF _Toc389960343 \h 113.1. Monitoring and reviewing health and safety policy and practices: PAGEREF _Toc389960344 \h 113.2 Effectiveness of health and safety policies and practices in the workplace in promoting a positive healthy and safe culture: PAGEREF _Toc389960345 \h 123.3 Own contributions to placing health and safety needs of
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