1 April 2013
Are we pulling away from nature?
Over just a few decades, computers have gone from taking up entire rooms to a person being able to carry one around in their pocket. Technology has grown to extraordinary levels. With all of these technology advancements comes consequences. Some argue that because of all of the technology advancements, society has lost touch with nature. There are people that believe that humanity has built such a complete shelter around themselves that nature is no longer a part of the human life as it once was. Henry David Thoreau, a philosopher and self-trained naturalist, was one of the people that believed the world is losing touch with nature. He believed that people aren 't living the way they are supposed to. He is known for being the author of Walking and Walden. John Lame Deer was another person who believed that society is living in a post nature world. He does not like the way society is effecting the world. Lame Deer would rather enjoy a beautiful view of pure nature than a bunch of buildings and fences. On another note, John Berlau has a completely different view on the world. Berlau believes that humans are just doing what they are meant to do and the way they effect nature is just a necessary part of it. Henry David Thoreau is one of the oldest and most influential people in the environmentalism movement. Thoreau believes that a man should be considered an inhabitant, or a …show more content…
They should respect they earth the way the Sioux do. Humans should no longer cause destruction and only use what is given to them. Berlau there is no change needed. He says humans are still keeping in touch with nature and are only changing it for the better. No matter how many more technological advancements or buildings are created, nature will always be there. Humans will grow and prosper the way they were meant