Taking everything in consideration from my Tutors remarks from previous assignment mainly keeping my work in my own words.
Compare the evidence of Reading 3.1 with other evidence in the chapter for the reign of Elizabeth 1.
Exploring English Christian beliefs and practises and how English churches looked.
Consider how many changes made to the English church were made in the reign of :
Henry V111
Edward V1
Mary 1
And the lasting mark of Elizabeth the 1
Keep main focus on comparing and contrasting the evidence for English Christianity at two different times.
Assignment 04
Option 1 Tradition and Dissent in English Christianity
How different was English Christianity in the reign of Elizabeth 1 (1558 – 1603) from that of the childhood of Roger Martyn (born c.1527)
The core teachings and beliefs in English Christianity relate to Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ (4 BCE- 29CE)
Their beliefs that Jesus is both human and divine.
That humankind is sinful signifying estrangement from God as well as moral wrongdoing.
That Jesus is the son of God and has never sinned , the essential means of reconciliation between God and humankind.
In the new testament the teaching of Jesus have unique spiritual and moral authority.
That Jesus carries on to live in heaven after …show more content…
Henry V111 and Anne Boleyn, a convinced Protestant but also a smart politician who wanted religion to unite everyone instead of dividing her subjects. The church of England’s position was made clear in Protestants terms in the act of uniformity of 1559 which imposed the use of Protestants forms of prayer contained in the book of prayer and the thirty nine articles of 1563 which indicated the doctrine of the church; also keeping some traditions like the orders of the bishops. (John Wolffe, pg