Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V
July/ 12/2013
Heritage Assessment and Health Management
Heritage is a genetic gene of culture. Every community has their own culture and it vary in individual to individual (ANA2011).By heritage a culture pass onto generations to generations its beliefs, customs, practices, values and traditions .It has an important role on the community for development of the future of society (Culture in development).Heritage assessment is a soul of nursing ,through which provide an effective and whole person care . Modern multicultural society challenges health care system with cultural diversity. Heritage assessment is a vibrant part of nursing because of its priority in health promotion. Culture and heritage is unique, through which our patients has another world that surround them that is unknown to health care personal. This cultural practice gives guidance and direction to an individual to connect the outside world (ANA 2011.). In 21st century healthcare is not only curing but also preventive. So cotemporary nursing promote health of the society, by proper heritage assessment. Heritage assessment tool is a window that opens him as a whole person itself. This assessment gives a concept to deal with a person’s personal, mental and spiritual health. Heritage assessment is a significant tool helpful to understand and evaluate a person and the society. When assess a person’s Heritage it reflects a tradition of how they maintain and promote health , how they restore health when it get affected with illness. This essay describes heritage assessment of three different cultural families. Greek culture and Italian culture and their health tradition, look at the differences as well as compare those with that of the Author , American Indian (Hindu) heritage.
Health maintains
Health maintains include what helps to prevent illness by their daily life which may contain