
Herodotus The Gift Of The Nile River

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Herodotus The Gift Of The Nile River
The Nile River
Herodotus, a well-known Greek Historian, Called Egypt: ‘The Gift of The Nile.' If it was not for the existence of the Nile River, Egypt would have been miles of barren sand with no future. The Nile played such an important role in the development of the Ancient Egyptian civilization that the history of Egypt and the Nile cannot be separated.
The Nile is 6650 km long and 2.8 km wide. This makes it the longest river in the world. It has a very large catchment area of more than 3 million square km. The two most important parts of the Nile are the White Nile and the Blue Nile. The Nile flows through 10 African countries including Sudan, South Sudan, Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania Kenya Ethiopia and Egypt.
The Nile River was one of the major recourses the helped the ancient Egyptian people to survive the tough climate of the desert. A small group of hunters that lived in the desert migrated to the area along the Nile to
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This helped the Egyptian people by letting them trade these minerals for food and other vital resources. The Nile River is said to be the back bone ancient Egypt. The yearly flooding of the Nile that caused silt to collect on the Nile banks made this area very fertile and wheat, flax and papyrus were cultivated and traded along the banks of the Nile.
Because of the trade between Egypt and other countries along the Nile, Egypt began to flourish economically. Water Buffaloes and Camels was brought into Egypt from Persia and Asia and were mainly used as food or used for ploughing and carrying water. Small rivers were formed in the desert by the branches that broke off the Nile. This became an important part of survival of many animals and people. The branches also formed a lake west of the Nile in the dessert; this lake grows every year and attracts wildlife too. This area was called

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