Mesopotamia lies between these two rivers. In greek, Mesopotamia is known as “land between the rivers”. These rivers were a huge essential need to the survival of the Mesopotamian civilization. Once a year, these rivers would flood. Floods are usually thought of as bad, but in this case they allowed for farming to thrive. When these rivers flooded, silt (mud/soil) was carried by them, which resulted in rich soil being placed all over the land. This allowed farmers to plant and harvest large amounts of wheat and barley. The rivers also provided food, water, and protection. As obviously sated throughout, the rivers were used for very similar things in different places. They both also portrayed positive and negative affects to the development to these civilizations. Positive aspects included protection, food, water, transportation, and trade. A negative affect of this was the possibility of easy access to be taken over by another civilization. But overall, rivers were a positive asset for a
Mesopotamia lies between these two rivers. In greek, Mesopotamia is known as “land between the rivers”. These rivers were a huge essential need to the survival of the Mesopotamian civilization. Once a year, these rivers would flood. Floods are usually thought of as bad, but in this case they allowed for farming to thrive. When these rivers flooded, silt (mud/soil) was carried by them, which resulted in rich soil being placed all over the land. This allowed farmers to plant and harvest large amounts of wheat and barley. The rivers also provided food, water, and protection. As obviously sated throughout, the rivers were used for very similar things in different places. They both also portrayed positive and negative affects to the development to these civilizations. Positive aspects included protection, food, water, transportation, and trade. A negative affect of this was the possibility of easy access to be taken over by another civilization. But overall, rivers were a positive asset for a